Tuesday, January 24, 2012


hanya gambar hiasan semata mata ;)
Askm bloggers...uhuk3...bersawang nye la blog saya ni kan...lame btol rase x update...bukan xmo update...act, bz sgt mcm2 nak settle before finish my study....( huhu..alasan yg kukuh kan ... ) So, story pasal nak abes study kan....date 20 january 2012 on 12.oo pm termaktup la ak tamat study d Masterkill University College of Health Sciences... =)

YEI !!!!! finish oledi....lega rase bile da abes study ni kan....so after ni...oliday2 dulo sekejap then pikir nak further or keja je teros then ley collect wit utk get married....hehehe... gatai suda ni nak kawen.... * wahai MUhammad Fahmi abd Rahim...cepat2 la masok meminang...gf aok ni da gatai da ni...hehehe ;p

Actually, da almost 1 week ak abes study...just stay at home...xtw nak wat pe..kepala pon da pening2 thinking about works....what do u think??? just stay for 2 or 3 month at home then bawu cari kerja..atau from now da kena cepat2 cari keja??? aduyai...pening sudah ni...

ok2..xmo think to much...just tgu rezeki yg datang..lagi pon ak da apply SPA..ssh juga nak apply pkai system bawu tu kan..korg da apply??? baek apply cepat2..mane taw rezeki nak keja gov...senang ckit...xpyah pening2 aw....nak kena buang pon ssh...hehehe...so, im done with SPA...Tomorrow laks ak nak p BSN beli no pin UPU utk futher deg...mesti korg pening kan..ak ni nak yg mane 1..keja or study...act, ak nak tgok rezeki mane yg dtg dulo..so just go for it...ye la kan...coz dua2 pon penting...then ak pon xtw nak pilih yg mane dulo...so wait n see je la... ;)

otey nnt kite story mory lagi k..lupe nak cite broadband ak da kena block oleh Mr Maxis...gara2 xbayar bill..padan muke ak kan..huhu....ni pinjam yg kakak punye...hope after dis update blog use my own broadband... peace no war  =)


  1. Linda : xtw lgi yunk...apply je ni...tpi xtw la dpt ke x..cos ot saingan bayak nak futher deg...mesti ssh nak dpt..
